isite Change of Hours - Sunday 16 March
Due to training, the isite will have a change of hours on Sunday 16 March.
The isite will be open 8am - 11:30am Sunday 16 March.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!
Road Works
Rebuilding of the Water Treatment Access Road has started! While the work is being completed there will still be access to the River Road drinking water taps. Please be mindful of contractors, when accessing the area.
Thank you for your patience while the work is being done.
Drinking water taps in the New World carpark are out of action temporarily.
The River Road drinking water taps at the Pumphouse are available.

As the temperature is increasing so is our water usage! Please be mindful of how much water you use and how you can cut down on water usage this summer. Kawerau is now in a level two water restriction, please conserve water.
Ways we can all reduce our water usage:
• Use only use handheld hoses for watering lawns and gardens
• Reduce the use of sprinklers, and only use for short periods in the cooler morning or evening
• Checking your tank, taps, hoses etc. for leaks and drips
• Reserving toilet flushing where possible
• Reducing shower time/frequency
• Turning off the tap when brushing your teeth and shaving
• Limiting use of appliances such as dishwasher, washing machine
• Not using town supply for stock
• Limiting washing of boats and vehicles
Upcoming Meetings and Events 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting: 9am, Wednesday 26 March
Audit and Risk Committee Meeting: 1pm, Monday 7 April
Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: 9am, Wednesday 16 April
Ordinary Council Meeting: 9am, Wednesday 30 April
Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: 9am, Wednesday 14 May
Please note: The Public Forum is available before every formal meeting held by Council (Council Meeting, Regulatory and Services, Extraordinary meetings) for people who wish to raise issues directly with the team of Elected Members. Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time to ensure you are signed in, you and the issue you are raising is logged on the run sheet and you are seated in the Council Chambers. Usual meeting protocols apply.
Meetings are recorded and uploaded to the website and Social Media. By attending you give your consent to filming. People are asked to adhere to the Council Code of Conduct.
If the issue you have is regarding repair or fixing something owned by Council (walkways, footpaths, roads, trees, water issues, dogs and noise issues) please contact Council to request a repair via: